
Laparoscopic appendectomy (elimination of appendix) is a method for surgical treatment of appendix inflammation.


The first such operation has been done by the gynecologist Dr. Karl Sem in Germany in 1983.


This therapeutic method is becoming still more popular in this country too, and for some hospitals in this country it is a routine operation.


Unsuitable for this operation are the patients with perforation of appendix, who have peritonitis, covering the total abdominal cavity with resulting abscesses between the intestinal loops, suffering from severe form of HOPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), women in advanced pregnancy as well as patients with morbid obesity of III-IV degree, and finally the contraindications are dictated by the experience of the surgeon.


The operation is done under general anesthesia, using most often three small holes on abdominal wall (5-10 cm) through which the camera and operative instruments are inserted.


Method advantages are:

-          quick recovery

-          reduced hospitalization days (24-48 hours)

-          minimum trauma of abdominal wall

-          to the minimum reduced post-operative pain

Department at MBAL